COVID tips and questions – EN

UK Hotels to Be Converted to Homeless Shelters During Coronavirus


UK Hotels to Be Converted to Homeless Shelters. Expect to see more of this kind of reutilization during the crisis as struggling hotel companies step up. Original source:

UK Hotels to Be Converted to Homeless Shelters During Coronavirus2020-03-25T08:22:34+01:00

Post-corona outbreak, restaurants get creative with home delivery


Post-corona outbreak, restaurants get creative with home delivery options. To address diminishing reservations, some restaurants think outside the box. Original source:

Post-corona outbreak, restaurants get creative with home delivery2020-03-25T07:44:40+01:00

Nordic Choice Hotels; We have the capacity to help, staff, space and more


Nordic Choice Hotels is offering their staff to help where they can, a great initiative to relocatie their expertise to help where it's most needed. Original source:

Nordic Choice Hotels; We have the capacity to help, staff, space and more2020-03-23T14:34:01+01:00
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